Wednesday, May 23, 2007

News for 5-24-07

Obie Trice changes his direction
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With a new album titled “Bottoms Up” in the works, and changes in his artistic direction, Obie Trice has one goal- making the transition to the mainstream. He’s even employed the help of former Suave House and current Clipse manager Tony Draper.
“I’m in the makings with him about doing some management [for me]...We working some things out. It’s a good look. He knows a lot of people and knows how to move things around. He’s been out here for a minute, so that’s a good look as far as I go. I’m just trying to branch out and get in this game correctly.” he added.

“I don’t really know a lot of artists — I’m in Detroit…It’s not Atlanta, where everybody is everywhere, or L.A. or somewhere like that. I actually think it’s time for me to start branching off and start connecting with cats. Getting my collaboration on and working with some hot producers — unknown and known — and just make them joints that feel good and that are radio. I just want to make that transition.”

50 Cent Responds to Cam'ron: "I'm Waiting for the Summer",
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After appearing on BET’s 106 & Park last week, tensions between 50 Cent and Cam’ron surfaced once again after 50 implied that Cam’ron had gone into hiding since his incident with Tru Life. To no-one’s surprise, Cam’ron was quick to respond, as he posted a video on the internet from a supposed vacation home, taunting 50 in his boxer shorts, claiming that it was going to be a hot summer for all rappers from the NYC.
In an interview with MTV News this past Monday (May 21), 50 Cent came forward and explained his thoughts on Cam’ron’s latest video, and his general feelings on Cam’ron and the Dipset Camp.

“It doesn’t make sense,” he said. “For him to shoot a video message in front of his pool in underwear, it doesn’t make sense. I think he’s delusional. For him to make any financial reference, being in the financial space he’s in and where I’m at financially, doesn’t make sense. He’s just upset, he’s angry.

50 went on to explain: “He’s mad because he knows the perception of him and his situation. He’s doing more damage to his crew than I could ever do. He’s put them in a real awkward situation with his choices. When they had momentum, they had Jimmy out there doing records, Juelz was out there, they was doing good. Then they let this guy out there and look what happened. It’s gonna be a ‘hot summer.’ What is he talking about? I’m waiting for the summer.”

In reference to Cam’ron’s “Curtis” name-calling tirades, 50 explained: “He’s delusional. For a person to think that calling you the name your mom gave you at birth is disrespectful is beyond belief. He’s punished himself more than I can punish him. He’s made a fool of himself. There’s nobody asking me about Cam’ron. I think people lost interest in it, based on the situation. He’s not even relevant. You’re talking about a guy who sold 270,000 [copies] his last record. I sold 9.8 million my last record. I’m not going to exhaust my audience by talking about somebody they have no interest in.”

As of now, no statements regarding 50’s interview with MTV have been issued by Cam’ron.

Waitress claims Jay-Z made her work for tips
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On May 22nd Celeste Williams, a former employee of Jay-Z’s highly successful 40/40 club filed a lawsuit against the club on her and other employees behalf. The suit claims that “Jay-Z and co-owner Juan Perez of willfully failing and refusing to pay them at the legally required minimum wage for all hours worked and time and a half rates for work in excess of forty hours per work-week.”
An attorney for Williams states that other employees refuse to speak up due to fear of retaliation. On the other side, club spokesman Ron Berkowitz said “That certainly is not true.” “Everyone makes the minimum wage at the club, 100%.

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